I have enjoyed the opportunity to create two startup medical device businesses in the Flagstaff Business Incubator/Accelerator in the past two years and encourage all of you to explore your regions business incubator options as your product ideas become reality. We feel very fortunate to call NACET (Northern Arizona Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology) our home for business and job creation in Arizona. With class 100,000 cleanroom space, fantastic office space, R&D lab space, world class conference space, shared 3D printing and micro-machining technology, testing/virtual reality laboratories this is a great learning environment for our engineering teams. Not to mention over 3500 skilled and trained medical device associates in the Flagstaff region from product development to commercialization disciplines, let's keep this momentum going and build out the rest of the 20,000 square feet.
If your regional incubator does not have the free space, trained workforce, or facility type or if you just want a change of pace we would be happy to share some of our secrets.
Contact Scott Hathcock(shathcock@nacet.org) to learn about available space